Mechanical Poet - Nice Place For A Sad Story

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Текст песни

A naughty boy, a pretty girl
The coolest lad and prom night queen
A sleepy town, a country school
The cruelest place you've ever seen
The signs of bars and traffic lights
So where you think could all this happen?

Just look outside
Ain't it the same street spreading far and wide?
Just step outside
And see this story with your own eyes

A cell, a flower store
A field of graves… that's something weird
It may be strange, it may be odd
Sometimes it's hard to hold your tears
It's not a tale with elves and knights
You almost know where it could happen

Just look outside
Ain't it the same street spreading far and wide?
Just step outside
And see this story with your own eyes

"More spite and love, less joy and laugh,
This time it's all a real life
Frustrated plight, a suicide…
No chance to wait for a happy ending"

Just look outside
Ain't it the same street spreading far and wide?
Just step outside
And see this story with your own eyes

Just look outside
Ain't it the same street spreading far and wide?
Just step outside
And see this story with your own eyes

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